Meet Martin Lee from Crenshaw Community Garden

Meet Martin Lee from Crenshaw Community Garden

Crenshaw Community Garden was founded in the 1970’s, serving the Crenshaw community for over 40 years. The land was donated by a family who visits every once and a while and has shared that they are glad to see that the lot is being used to allow families to grow fresh and healthy food. The diversity iof this garden is amazing. As one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in Los Angeles, you’ll see gardeners who identify as Korean, Bangladeshi, Latino, African-American, European, and Japanese! During our visit we met Gardeners Gloria de la Rose and Martin Lee. Gloria shared that the garden is a safe place to spend her time outdoors and socialize. She enjoys growing papayas and cilantro. Her dream is to see chickens roam the garden. Martin Lee shared “I like how me, and other garden members exchange and share our harvest with each other.” He just finished growing his broccoli and is always looking forward to growing tomatoes and bell peppers.

Crenshaw Community Garden, 1423 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles CA, 90019.

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