Community Gardens
A Vote for the East Hollywood Community Garden is a Vote for Health, Happiness, and Organic Produce!

A Vote for the East Hollywood Community Garden is a Vote for Health, Happiness, and Organic Produce!

Nature’s Path is hosting a contest to fund new green spaces for organic foods! Lucky for us, we’re in the process of building the East Hollywood Community Garden, a garden-lover’s dream come true.

Vote for Us
Head over to the contest and hit “VOTE NOW”. It’s that simple!

What Your Vote Means
With your support, we  may get up to $15,000 from Nature’s Valley to build a SWEET community garden for the East Hollywood community. There will be up to 60 plots, an outdoor classroom, and (fingers crossed) hopefully, even an outdoor kitchen! We’re working hard to make sure that East Hollywood has access to healthy foods, nutrition, and community building– your vote will help ensure that this happens soon!

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