Giving Thanks to Everyone and Everything!

Giving Thanks to Everyone and Everything!

As we see the seasons change, we are reminded about the natural cycles of planet earth. Although those fallen leaves may look like a big mess, they are actually great sources of organic matter filled with nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Leaves can be composted in two ways: leaf compost and leaf mulch. Leaf compost is a mixture of leaves and other organic materials such as food waste and weed clippings. Leaf compost is best for adding more nutrients to your plants as well as pest and disease management. Leaf mulch is a combination of water and leaves and will aid in retaining soil moisture.
Every organism in our ecosystem serves a purpose. As we continue to give thanks for Earth’s abundance, let’s also acknowledge and extend our gratitude to the many individuals in the food industry who contribute to making our holiday meals memorable. This pandemic has exposed many flaws within our food system and it is important to emphasize the efforts of hard-working people across all levels in the food industry.
At LACGC, we are also grateful to our supporters who help sustain our efforts. Many thanks to everyone for a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season.

Written by: Victoria Arana, LACGC Intern

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