Appreciating Native American Agricultural Practices

There is a new generation of growers who practice Native American agricultural techniques. They use these methods because they have proven to work, are earth-friendly, and offer a way to honor our ancestors.
Below are some techniques we continue to use today:
1 – Companion Planting – corn provides support for pole beans to climb; the beans add nitrogen to the soil for future crops to use; and squash leaves shade the soil around the taller plants, servings as a living mulch!
2 – Terracing – creates flat planting beds on hilly terrain. Taming steep slopes slows runoff, allowing water to seep into the beds, and curbs erosion. The use of terracing is essential in avoiding soil erosion that carries your precious topsoil away. 
3 – No til-gardening – is a technique that requires no turning over of soil. Simply spread a new layer of compost on top of your garden.
4 – Crop Rotation – keeps soil nutrients from being depleted and prevents pests and diseases from building up, which often happens when one crop is grown in the same spot year after year.
When you are harvesting your crops this season, remember to thank this region’s original land stewards and appreciate the growing techniques/practices that continue to feed us today. 
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