Endocrine Health and WellnessBenefits found in your Community Garden

Have you ever wondered why you feel happier when you are gardening? This is due to releasing stress on your endocrine system, otherwise known as your emotional system, through fresh air brought to us by photosynthesis, how plants convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into sugars and oxygen.
Converting open land and lots for community green spaces increases a natural barrier and filter for endocrine disruptors such as CO2, formaldehyde, NOx, SOx, CFCs, PAHs, Chloride, Bromine, and other particulate matter (ppm). With an increasing CO2 ppm of September 2020 at 411.52 ppm to September 2021 at 413.30 ppm — being in the garden has never been more important for a balanced endocrine system. It allows more fresh air into our lives.

In Los Angeles County, pollution is one of the highest in the world due to tourism, a local and global commodity. Major roadways populate the areas impacting both our youngest and eldest in the community and the pollution causes damage cell longevity.

By being active in the garden spaces, we, as a community, can combat mutations, improve well-being and maintain reproductive health for all.  

Furthermore, green spaces offer free, safe areas for healthy eating, exercise, de-stressing, fresh air, community and knowledge-building. As always, if space is limited at home for gardening, consider joining one of our gardens and start growing!
Written by 
LACGC Social Media Intern,
Christina Gonzales

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