Meet the No Ho Community Garden

The North Hollywood High School’s agricultural program has been running continuously since the school opened in 1927 on 100 acres of land.  Today, the school’s footprint has been reduced to eight acres but students continue to learn to grow fruit and vegetables and care for rabbits, turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, goats, pigs, 2 donkeys and a llama.  The school’s caretaker […]

Makena’s Corner: Got Mulch?

One of the easiest ways to keep your soil moist and cool is to apply a layer of mulch on your garden.  Start by checking with your local city or municipality. LA, Glendale, and Santa Monica all offer free mulch for residents. It generally requires being picked up from their facility. Another easy way to get copious amounts is by […]

Meet Annet Sasser

  As a child, Annet Sasser learned to garden from an aunt in San Francisco who taught her all the domestic arts to keep her out of mischief!  For thirty years, Annet lived in Georgia and grew many varieties of fruits and vegetables at her home.  When she returned to California, she missed having a yard and one of her […]